[Art] - Forums
Welcome to the forum of [Art]!

This forum is only visible for the members of the battlefield 3 clan [Art]. You're able to post an application on the 'recruiting' part of the forums, only dutch players will be allowed to join this clan. When you wrote your apply, you will get a response as soon as possible. This might still take a while, check out our forums every day to look if you've got an answer.

Enjoy your stay!

Word lid van het forum, het is snel en gemakkelijk

[Art] - Forums
Welcome to the forum of [Art]!

This forum is only visible for the members of the battlefield 3 clan [Art]. You're able to post an application on the 'recruiting' part of the forums, only dutch players will be allowed to join this clan. When you wrote your apply, you will get a response as soon as possible. This might still take a while, check out our forums every day to look if you've got an answer.

Enjoy your stay!

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